Today more than ever before people have some sort of office in their home. Some are self-employed and work from home, some work outside the home and still need an office at home and some just do the regular bill paying and such from home. Regardless of the reason, you may use a home office […]

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Linen closet organization ideas are not just for linens but also for towels. It may even include medicines, toiletries, sewing supplies, etc. What is stored in this area is truly dependent on each person’s space and how much they have of it for other items. We will be only be talking about the linens and […]

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The one thing I know for sure is that most of us have tons of clothes. We have clothes in the closet, in the dresser or dressers, possibly a trunk or extra bins, they are everywhere. No matter how big your closet there are usually clothes bulging out. Most people have the challenge of managing […]

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How to Organize Kitchen Counters It doesn’t matter if you love to cook or if you absolutely hate it, the kitchen is a necessary part of the home. It is also one of the areas in your home that houses a tremendous number of things. If you counted the number of items in the kitchen […]

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Cleaning Kids Room: Toy Storage Solution You’ve always dreamed of having your own family. Kids running all over the house, laughter everywhere, the joy of having little ones. Then it happens and after 9 long months, you finally bring home your bundle of joy. But with that little bundle comes a mountain of stuff. More […]

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Year after year getting organized is on the list of the top ten goals for people. While it may be easy for some, it remains daunting for others. One thing that I always say to my clients is that in order to get and stay organized your things have to have a home. One way […]

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Yes, one could argue that creating a sense of harmony in the bedroom is largely an organizational topic and we’ve touched on that here. But there are other tips we have for ensuring your organized space is allowing for optimal wellness and harmony. Ready? Here we go…. THE OBVIOUS Clutter: Is clutter really bad for […]

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The new school year is on the horizon as summer comes to a close. The focus will no longer be sun, sand and relaxation, it will change to carpools, homework and report cards. No time like the present to get your kids organized in order to have a smooth transition and ensure a successful school […]

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Life is busier more today than ever before. Most of us do some type of work at home which requires us to have a home office. Whether you are self-employed and strictly work from home, bring work home to do or just have a home office for personal use, more and more people need tips […]

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