We all hope to live long and fulfilling lives, creating memories and building connections with the people we love. Yet, one certainty unites us all: the time will come when we must leave this world. When that moment arrives, one of the greatest gifts we can leave behind is a well-organized estate. By planning ahead, […]
Custom closet design is one of my favorite things to do. It allows my creative juices to flow and my brain to work differently from organizing. When I design a closet, I am designing for what you actually own and not a basic template that would include some long hang, and some shelves, some double […]
So MANY storage units Did you know there are more than 50,000 storage facilities in the US? That’s 5 times more than the number of Starbucks and we all know there’s one of those on practically every corner. While that may sound like a lot, notice just how many you pass as you drive around. […]
Happy almost New Year, friend! It’s that time of year where people are setting goals and making resolutions and it’s for this reason that I typically start to see an uptick in clients during late December and early January. People have enjoyed their holiday gatherings, the Christmas decor is about to come down and they’ve […]
A common misconception in the decluttering and organization world is that in order to achieve the organization results you desire, you have to sacrifice your overall aesthetic. People think that they have to use certain products or furniture that doesn’t match their style, so instead of finding a happy medium, they opt out of organization […]
When you think of summertime, you probably think of beach vacations, summer camps, slow mornings and late nights – all of the fun things that fill your calendar for a few months. What you might forget about in between all of the fun-filled days are the inconsistent routines and schedules that develop and how certain […]
One of the most common mistakes I see when working with clients is that they aren’t using spaces in their home correctly or, even worse, they aren’t using them at all. When it comes to organizing your home, a key step is making sure that you are maximizing the space that you have. Whether you’re […]
Have you ever heard that your kitchen is the heart of your home? The reason for this is that throughout our home there are many bedrooms and living spaces, but only one kitchen. Since this is the case, it’s so important to make sure that this space is organized and simplified. Before we get to […]
How do you organize your bedroom’s closet? Better question… are you actually organizing it at all? If your method of organization is a pile of shoes on the floor or a poorly-sized organization bin for your sweaters, you probably aren’t making the best use of your closet space. Guess what? You don’t have to break […]