You can be a successful professional organizer with your own business while living life on your terms.

life on your terms

The "LYT" Program

Does this sound like you?

Are you tired of working for someone else? 

Are you tired of asking someone else for permission to live your life?

Would you like to be in charge of you? 

Are you tired of missing your kids’ activities at school because your boss said you couldn’t leave early?

Wouldn’t you rather take as much vacation as you want instead of what is allotted to you each year?

Would you like the possibility of an unlimited income potential? 

If this hits close to home know that by being your own boss you will be in charge of your life.

Is organization something that comes easy for you?

Do you have foresight? Can you see beyond what’s in front of you?

Do you want to help people get their lives and homes in order?

Do you love organizing and helping people?

Do you love systems and order?

Would someone else benefit from your natural instincts and abilities?

Imagine working when you want, vacationing when you want, attending your kids’ school events when you want…imagine being in control of you!

I have wanted to start my own organizing business for years, but the ‘running my own business’ side of it always felt overwhelming, and kept me from pursuing my dreams. The LYT course was perfect, I now feel far less overwhelmed and have a clear step by step plan. I highly recommend this course for those who are beginning their journey into professional organization, and could use some motivation and guidance from a seasoned pro!

reviews FROM students

- S. C.

"The LYT course was the perfect combination of encouragement, resources and instructions I needed to get my organization business started."

As a certified professional organizer with over a decade in business as a professional and a lifetime of organizing for fun, I will show you what you need to do to start your own professional organizing business.

Why me?
  • I’ve been in business full time for over a decade
  • I have grown my business well into the six figures.
  • I am a certified professional organizer, CPO®
  • I’ve been quoted or featured in the Washington Post, the Huffington Post,, Redfin, and AARP to name just a few.
  • I am the author of A to Zen, 26 tips to Inspire Organization
  • I am the President of the BCPO (Board of Certifying Professional Organizers) for the term 2022-25

I will show you what is needed to start your own professional organizing business. You will learn the legalities of starting a business, the types of specialties or niches, education, marketing, etc. 

I can help you get there!

At the end of this course you will have the tools needed to start your organizing business and take control of your life. 

What you'll get in this course?

Ongoing email support

A 3-module program that you can take live or listen to the recording

The actual forms that I use in my business

All for $697 

Printable bonus - DIY Organizing Solutions

Private Facebook community

“There’s no way you could have organized the pantries like Robyn. She’s worth every penny.”


- S. M.

"Robyn is the best! Knew exactly what to do and cleaned out 30 years of stuff in four rooms in record time. Highly recommend!"


- Heidi B.

“Robyn is the best as is her team! She did it all with ease and grace.”


- H .F.

“Robyn was a partner to our whole family and kept us sane during a very complex move.”


- K. R.

“Robyn saved my marriage! She came in and helped me get my whole house under control!”


- L. W.

“Robyn of Organize2Harmonize was able to create a system that worked for me, so I've been able to maintain it.”


- S. B.

It took me years of trial and error and making mistakes to learn and figure out what I now know. There’s so much to know in order to start and run a successful business.

My goal is to save you time and energy by showing you the ins and outs in this 3-module course. I have seen similar courses sell for as much as $20,000. Yes, you read that right. For a fraction, I am offering you the tools and information needed to get the ball rolling right away.

Some Spaces I've Organized





Enroll now for $697


You can be a successful professional organizer with your own business while living life on your terms.